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About: Bold
About: Lenno Limited is a company registered in England and Wales under number 12008730. The registered address for Lenno Limited is 64 New Cavendish Street, London, United Kingdom, W1G 8TB.

Lenno Iberia S.L. is a company registered in Spain under number B88146451. The registered address of Lenno Iberia S.L. is Centro de Negocios, Calle Lagasca, número 95, 28006 Madrid, Spain.

Lenno Global Advisory JSC is a company registered in Bulgaria under number 103277217. The registered address for Lenno Global Advisory JSC is 2 Maria Luiza Blvd, Level 5, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria. Lenno Global Advisory is authorised and regulated by the Financial Supervision Commission (license number RG-03-188).

Lenno Global Advisory is also registered with the FCA in the UK (firm reference number 825530), BaFin in Germany, CNMV in Spain, CONSOB in Italy, KFN in Poland, Bank of Lithuania, CySEC in Cyprus and other financial regulators within the EU to provide services without a branch.

Lenno JSC is a company registered in Bulgaria under number 203217465. The registered address for Lenno JSC is 2 Maria Luiza Blvd, Level 5, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria. Lenno JSC is registered as a financial institution (firm reference number BGR00341) in the Register under Article 3a, paragraph 1 of the Law on Credit Institutions, kept by the Bulgarian National Bank.
Email: [email protected]
Location: London, Marylbone, United Kingdom - England
Telephone: +35970042442
1816 views since 21 August 2019